When we talk about boundaries, the first thing that comes to mind is often the overstepping boundaries by excessive control. We may remember mom who makes us eat spinach and does not let us leave the table until we have eaten it all; the teacher who kicks us out of the classroom; children who poke fun of us or a tougher boy who pulls our hair or steals a ball on the street. There is a presence and power that imposes itself and oversteps the... read more
Articles and Interviews
A boundary is where I end and you begin… where you end and I begin.
A country is a place where people of a similar consciousness live, forming a collective, that has its own customs, language, culture, values and prevailing beliefs. Beyond their homeland’s border some other country begins.
History textbooks are generally compiled from the dates when wars between states/nations/tribes began and when they, fortunately, ended. If it... read more
...we stumble over them, untangle them, stretch or tighten them, change and erase them, make new ones - we rejoice in them, we suffer because of them, we meet and part; we make love or wars, destroy and create.
Ouch, it already sounds very complicated.
And what are the boundaries, really?
According to the dictionary "a boundary is a real or imaginary line that marks the edge or limit of something". As things stand,... read more
Life is complex.
When speed is added to this complexity, which today has become a "normal" everyday phenomenon, we get a cocktail that has modern name - stress. Simply put, stress occurs when we lose contact with our own body. The physical body is singular, here and at the present moment, it has no ability to be in two or more places at the same time. Unlike the body, the mind can be in several places simultaneously, seeking ways to... read more
When applying it, faster recovery after surgery was noted, as well as lesser need for drugs after organ transplantation, says energy-therapist Katarina Subotich
Barbara Brenan healing method energy work represents a holistic approach to health through aura, which includes the physical, emotional and mental aspect of each personality, as well as our... read more
Most of my childhood, I was surrounded by the energy of the elders, my favorites being my great-aunt and great-uncle. My great-uncle used to play under the table with me when I was a kid, taught me swimming and badminton, and studied history and geography with me later on when I was in school. My great-aunt was the family tailor, so I had a lot of clothing made for me with love, just the way I wanted. I often say these two were my angels.... read more
The presence is an essential factor in the process of working on one’s self and healing. I deeply believe that if we are long enough present with ourselves, or with another person (client) and we pay attention to sensations in the body (whether subtle or strong), emotion, thought or any other signal that our system sends us, we will be on the authentic path of transformation... read more