Historias Personales

What I am taking with me from the series of workshops Manifestation through the  Chakras is the power of presence, touch, support and warm glimpse. This all seem simple, but I want to point out, that when done at the right time, on the right place and on the right way, it becomes a very powerful healing. All of this is led on excellent and knowledgeable way by our Katarina. She was helped by other participants who landed their presence…my new friends. 
I warmly recommend to everyone to come and participate on these workshops and “watch their own movie unfold”.
Dragana K. Belgrade , Serbia... leer más
This year I had honor and pleasure to go through and experience the workshops led by Katarina. I got much, much more that can be expressed; deep and quality change. And although I look as myself, i feel myself as a very different person. Katarina’s deep experience, warm heart, knowledge, support and creativity are excellent place, a nest, to discover and experience one’s own truth. I retrieved important things that i lost along the way: my own value, strength, will, love, empathy, understanding, pleasure, inner knowing, self-esteem, acceptance…if I may say, I gave myself back to myself. I am... leer más
The series of workshops Manifesting through the Chakras and Shamanic Journeys is perfectly thought out. On the first glance they don’t seem complicated, but every experiential, every meditation will lead you to the core issue on systematic and profound way. Shamanic journeys are perfectly connected to the mapping of manifestation process through the chakra system. My recommendation to all who work on themselves is to start all over again, one more time, with chakra system. It is well worth to go through this experience. I am pleased that i gave this gift to myself. My soul has found what is... leer más
Regularly, I participate in workshops led by Katarina Subotic because I have complete confidence in her work. Katarina is entirely dedicated to people she works with, her approach to workshop participants is filled with love, respect for life and faith in the infinity of the human soul.
The workshop "Manifestation through the chakras" is the most valuable of all that I have attended so far. A participant goes through a process touching all the important aspects of the realization of an intention, from conception to execution. Beliefs that get in the way become uncovered, until their illogic... leer más

Gran parte de mi vida la he dedicado a la búsqueda introspectiva con diferentes métodos. Últimamente me sentía atascado. Era claro para mí, que solo, no podía salir de ese estado. Busqué  ayuda cuidadosamente.  Y fue hace cerca de tres años que conocí a Katarina y sentí  la confianza y apoyo de una terapeuta.  

Por su recomendación empecé  en Pathwork y al mismo tiempo continué mis sesiones individuales y talleres con ella. Dentro de mi enseguida la cosa empezaron a moverse; los sentimientos desagradables surgían, pero esta vez fui capaz de confrontarlos, trabajar de ellos y... leer más

No hay palabras que describan el cambio interno que ocurrió en mi vida, en el mejor sentido de la palabra, después de experimentar el trabajo psicoenergético en los talleres que proveen Katarina y Atila. Todos los días confronto situaciones anteriores, de una manera nueva, diferente, que me corroboran  la efectividad de esta experiencia. Todo este cambio ha sido posible a través de sus talleres y sesiones individuales con Katarina. Literalmente me devolvieron a la vida. Estoy profundamente agradecida de haber trabajado con ellos y dado a la confianza... leer más

Desde hace mucho tiempo se que el cuerpo humano está saturado con la memoria y el conocimiento. En los talleres con Katarina, interactuando con otros participantes, entro en contacto con la sabiduría de mi cuerpo. Se abre la posibilidad de conocer los mensajes que  llegan de la profundidad de los flujos del cuerpo y eso me guía a un estado más completo. Adquiero actitudes más equilibradas y un profundo regocijo por la vida.

Dragana Žarevac